Friday, April 8, 2011

Pos - i - nomics = Positive economics; Economic policy that works, resulting in sustained and strong economic growth ...

You may find on Google or search on Youtube 
John F. Kennedy's speech to the Economic 
club of New York in 1962. In the speech,
President John F. Kennedy promoted lower 
taxes to grow the economy.

Pos - i - nomics = Positive, strong job - growth economics = Milton Friedman - Reagan economics, sound budget ...

Obama - nomics = tax, tax, tax, over spending = Neg - a - nomics = Negative economic growth = Socialism = Obamacare = joblessness ..... 

"A nation trying to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket trying to pull himself up by the handle."  - AM 1150 The Patriot Radio ad ...

Pos - i - nomics : Generates more tax revenue for Social Security and Medicare .....

Obama / Democrat / Socialist Neg - a - nomics : Destroys tax revenue for Social Security and Medicare , resulting in disadvantage for Senior citizens and disabled ...

I thought of this blog title ' Posi - Nomics ' as I was bowling at Irvine lanes today in Irvine, California. Shortly thereafter, I made one, then two, then three strikes in a row making a ' Turkey ' ! ( Turkey = When a bowler makes three strikes in a row. ) So it was then I knew that the title ' Posi - Nomics ' had an immediate positive effect ! I had not made a Turkey at bowling since about a year previous ! Whoooa !

So : Away with Obama - nomics - which, are in effect : ' Nega - nomics ' ! That's right - Just say no to ' Negative - Nomics ' now, and in 2012 ! So one question must be ,
" So what are Posi - nomics ? "

Ok, here ya' go. Posi - nomics = Positive economics; Economic policy that works, resulting in sustained and strong economic growth. That means - policy which is the direct opposite of Obama policy, that which is opposite Democrat ( socialist ) policy. Mr. Obama's so called ' healthcare reform ' is ' Nega - nomics ' because it kills and destroys jobs / economic growth and at this time is keeping the economy at 9.0 - 12 % joblessness as of April 8, 2011.

In addition, Obamacare is ruinous to health care in America. Mr. Obama has been President since February 2009 , and the economy and the housing crisis are still in a state of crisis. Sources of Posi - Nomics : You can find Posi - Nomics in Milton Freedman econmics, a favorite economist of Ronald Reagan.

Sources of Nega- Nomics : You can find Nega - Nomics in Socialism, which is and always has been the opposite of the American way of life and freedom. Socialism is the opposite of strong economic prosperity. Socialism is trickle up poverty. In the wise words of Dan Quayle in 1992, " The Democrat party is the Socialist party of America." In can be rightly said today that Mr. Obama is the head of the Socialist party of America.

Some today are scratching their heads saying, " Is Obama intentionally keeping jobs ( the economy ) down ? " This cannot be discounted. Here are the words of Obama's recently resigned ( November 2010 ) White House Chief of Staff Rham Imanuel , " Never let a crisis go to waste because you can do things that you otherwise would not be able to do."

Yes Rham, Like getting millions of uninsured without health care onto ruinous, rationed, more expensive ( LESS quality LESS health care, in addition to taking away QUALITY employer provided health care from those who have it now ! ). This means destroying the jobs of MILLIONS of Americans and then keeping those Americans unemployed, to get MILLIONS of poor onto ruinous government health care, all for one man - Barack Hussein Obama and his party's incompetent agenda, regardless of the ruinous facts and their economically destructive effects on America. America cannot afford the narcissistic ambitions of the incompetent Democrat party.

It's time to get the U.S. economy on it's feet again. It's time to unleash the amazing economical potential of America, and that means that American citizens on the whole MUST come to their senses and realize the truth of the economic incompetence and selfish ambitions of Barack Hussein Obama and his Party, for if it were not for them, the economy would already be burgeoning with amazing growth, but they are holding it back.

Take personal action by sharing this blog, and then vote smart at the voting booth in the 2012 primary and general election. Otherwise, your job may be the next one to disappear.

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